Friday 1 May 2009


Adium is an all in one IM application. It works with Mac only so far (sorry windows and linux users). I tried other IM apps on the Mac like MSN and aMsn but for msn it did not cut it. It was either that it was glitchy and crashed allot or couldn’t use some features. I found Adium through a Google search and I have been using it ever since. I must say it’s an outstanding application for what it dose. It can connect to your MSN, ICQ, AIM, Jabber, Yahoo Messenger, Facebook, Mobile Me, Myspace IM and more. I have been using this app for about a few weeks now and I must say its pretty nice being able to connect to every IM account you might have. It’s easy to talk to anyone on any IM so no more people asking where you have been. The interface is excellent I like it allot though I do miss being able to send custom emoticons on msn but over all I like it if you wish to get it yourself head over to If you want to send me a app that you might know that’s better or just want to suggest something feel free to email me at or at our irc channel #x-tech or at our community website


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